Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tagging, folksonomies, delicious and LibraryThing

i already use LibraryThing it makes it easy for me to see what i already have on my shelf and what i dont where ever i am. Delicious is a great way to have access to your bookmarks and also see what other people have bookmarked on similar subjects this is a good way to discover new sites. as for Technorati what is the point of a blog if nobody reads it.


slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Very true - there's no point blogging if your target audience don't read blogs. It is possible, however, that you might gather a new audience who read blogs rather than visit the library?

Mylee (PLS)

Mell said...

Yes advertising is certaintly important. as is the ability to be able to search and retrieve what you are looking for.